Gregarious generosity of generic jargon
Absolute absolution abound
Time tempered trespassed and tourniquet
Starved salvaged sanity sound
Inched imperfect insolently incapacitated
Depraved desolate and drowned
Carapace compounded constricted contained
Help this harrowed hapless hound
Sigmond signalling soundly the scrumptious cessation of sessions
Gregarious generosity of generic jargon
Absolute absolution abound
Time tempered trespassed and tourniquet
Starved salvaged sanity sound
Inched imperfect insolently incapacitated
Depraved desolate and drowned
Carapace compounded constricted contained
Help this harrowed hapless hound
Sigmond signalling soundly the scrumptious cessation of sessions