Mars bars with martian politics
The reason for a lot of reasons is the fact that reasons are often reasonable in explaining what otherwise cannot be explained by uncommon logic. Keeping in light the efficacy of that statement its not hard to wonder why we are all in this rut in the first place. Mars is not all that it is cut out to be really, the sand is far from red and the martians are far from friendly. Most of them sit morbid in their own lives entwined by a sense a hurried calamity to which there seems no plausible solutions. On the other hand there are the martians who are pseudo in nature really, just worring for the sake of worring as though the need to fit it far surpasses the need to be happy. As for me i truly am the first ever man maronned on an island the size of a planet with a lot of fridays to keep me occupied.
Ironically women too come from mars, those who really cant make the round trip to Venus and back have found comfort in the fact that they are truly a significant minority on this planet. However keeping in mind the true nature of mars and what is does to people they too feel the need now to step into the limelight and really give politics a shot.
Martian politics is something that has to be seen to be disbelieved, there is nothing more placcid and dreary that it for miles, until you hit the hot spots of pluto (which is equally cool for the socially challenged). Martian politicians all dress the same, i.e. in their checked shirts, yellow ties, grey pants, bifocal glasses, bad hairdo (the type that makes being bald seem soo much better) and lastly their matching paper folders. THe only assortment of color in this land is seen once a year when the real party in celebrated, the one day in which casual friday is actually all day long and the hawaiian T-Shirts and hairy legs come into public view.
Mars is also the only democracy in the world where elections are held in a rather communistic manner. Not only are you choosen to voulenteer, but each citizen of mars irrespective of prespective is expected to have an oppinion.
The martian handbook is classified in the fiction section of the national library and is placed in the encarta section of the uww (universe wide web). the reason for this is because contributors to this dossier range from Issac Assimov to Stephen Hawkins and also include the not so bright minds of past AMerican Presidents and their immediate vice presidents. A lot of what is said in thsi handbook is completely true but no one ever believes that which is why the President of mars has been in power for over six decades.
SO the real deal with Martian politics is that you have to really keep your eyes and ears closed to it, for preaching is far closer to practise and if by mistake you were to take a whiff of this you would truly realize what the meaning of a no brainer is.
Ironically women too come from mars, those who really cant make the round trip to Venus and back have found comfort in the fact that they are truly a significant minority on this planet. However keeping in mind the true nature of mars and what is does to people they too feel the need now to step into the limelight and really give politics a shot.
Martian politics is something that has to be seen to be disbelieved, there is nothing more placcid and dreary that it for miles, until you hit the hot spots of pluto (which is equally cool for the socially challenged). Martian politicians all dress the same, i.e. in their checked shirts, yellow ties, grey pants, bifocal glasses, bad hairdo (the type that makes being bald seem soo much better) and lastly their matching paper folders. THe only assortment of color in this land is seen once a year when the real party in celebrated, the one day in which casual friday is actually all day long and the hawaiian T-Shirts and hairy legs come into public view.
Mars is also the only democracy in the world where elections are held in a rather communistic manner. Not only are you choosen to voulenteer, but each citizen of mars irrespective of prespective is expected to have an oppinion.
The martian handbook is classified in the fiction section of the national library and is placed in the encarta section of the uww (universe wide web). the reason for this is because contributors to this dossier range from Issac Assimov to Stephen Hawkins and also include the not so bright minds of past AMerican Presidents and their immediate vice presidents. A lot of what is said in thsi handbook is completely true but no one ever believes that which is why the President of mars has been in power for over six decades.
SO the real deal with Martian politics is that you have to really keep your eyes and ears closed to it, for preaching is far closer to practise and if by mistake you were to take a whiff of this you would truly realize what the meaning of a no brainer is.