Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Martians R us

Days on Mars seem to last forever, especially when they are littered by red hearts all through the premium district which leads me to the place of my learning. I dont laothe hearts, just dont like to be reminded of the fact that being non shalant most often than not does not help in appreciating hearts.
Anyway thats done with i hope, tomorrow normality returns to the streets and all goes back to normal, or does it? A lot of things have changed today, for example I am a day older and along with that i think i have aged more than two years. I figure at this rate I shall be old and wise in a week. Its really just exponential! You start at the base and then shoot up to the extent where you realize that what you were before is just a log of what you are now.
I have a paper due tomorrow, something dealing with worldly attributes to the context of why there are so many people who are worse off than so many of us today in the world. Well as deep as that sounds its really not that complex. Its funny how we all write and think about all this and some of us really do something about it but at the end of the day its all just a shot at something we know ourselves we cannot achieve. But look at the bright side atleast we tried dint we.
Today i shall not talk about Martians, rather lets talk about Non Martians for once. I like the fact that i am not from around here but you have to agree i also seem a lot more cynical and morose than a lot of the martians. Its not really because i am lacking something specific in life but that i choose to be an arm chair critic. We are a lot like Martians ourselves really, we too look for the easy way out. Case and point i would rather sit and write this blog, instead of doing something about the present state of my shack.
Easy things come easy but the problem lies in the fact that the consequence of ease is really painful. Non shalantism if i may call it so is really the best way out of a momentary situation, but what happens when you are alone and there is no need to be non shalant? When you cant help but be non shalant even in situations you want to be something otherwise.
Today i realized that i dont have esp, that i am not able to read all that is unsaid, i used to believe that i had it all figured out, its because it was easy to be in that state. Erasmus had an easy life he knew it all. Nostradumbass too had a great time. But me ? Well faking it is hard and when people think and assume that you know all the pickle thickens. Thats when they expect and when they expect they are let down.
Im not here to prove that i am special infact its easier not to be special that way people dont expect. Im schizophrenic really, while the non martian in me writes tales of what are and what they really should be, the martian in me lays waiting for the moments when i am contemplative of myself. I really dont like the martian in me, its easier to not be me than to be me.
The guard is down but its a double edged sword encompassed by an invisible shield. Come too close and you will be frescoed into my hall of shame.
I am atlas and i just shrugged deal with it

Confessions of a Non Martian, Im Sigmond Nobody et tu?


Blogger airy voices said...

erasmus had it easy from your point of view.. i don't think its ever easy.. martian or otherwise.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its easy if you choose to see it as easy. I think people spend too much time thinking things through. Its called a flow and we should really go with it.

2:13 PM  

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